City of Wills Point Services
Below you will find all information and details of the residential, front-load, and roll-off dumpster services provided for those within the city limits of Wills Point, Tx.

Residential/Commercial Poly-Carts
Please ensure to have your poly-cart outside your residence or business building before 7am.
Every resident is allowed 3 extra bags of trash each week, in which can be placed inside a trash bin that you were accustomed to using before.
We ask to please make sure the lid is closed and placed on your street side.
If you need to rid of items such as mattresses, furniture items, excess brush/branches, appliances, etc - please contact us directly as this is considered bulk trash and is an extra charge to throw away.

Front-load Dumpsters
Front-load dumpster must be accessible - please avoid any vehicles blocking the dumpster.
The lids should be closed and not overfilled with excess trash. Drivers are not responsible for picking up trash outside of the dumpster, as this can be a liability.

Roll-Off Dumpsters
Please ensure that the dumpster is accessible - please avoid any vehicles blocking the dumpster.
Note that if the roll-off dumpster is overfilled, the excess trash will come off from the top when drivers hoist the dumpster on the truck. Drivers are not responsible for picking up trash outside of the dumpster, as this can be a liability.